Ornella Cicchetti logo CONTACT ABOUT WORKS


Rememberall is a memorecorder designed to be simple and intuitive to use and therefore suitable for all ages: from children to elderly. It replaces any reminder and keeps trace of every appointment or note.
Recording voice messages allows to be close to those you love and need care even when you do not have the possibility to be at their side. Pressing the red button you can record vocally the date, time and message. A vibration alert when it's time to remember something.
The gentle lines and gestures associated with this project were inspired by the natural shapes of a seashell. Bringing rememberall close to your ear will reveal its message, just like a shell that keeps within itself the sound of the sea. The ergonomics of the shape has been developed to make the gesture comfortable and natural.

product image
use: message recording
use: alarm
use:listen the message
product side view
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© Ornella Cicchetti 2024